We’ve wrapped up our Korea stay and have moved on to Japan. We’ve been steadily catching up on content and editing after technical / software challenges the first week. The food here in Japan is good, but everyone loved the food in Korea. As you can see from this video, we ate A LOT of Korean food and loved every minute of it.
YouTube: All videos are now on an Out There Dong That YouTube channel, which can be found here. Please bookmark this page and even subscribe to our feed.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Yuucqfa6s3Yiad1biMQ-Q
Great video of the Korean Food‼️Ice cream cones looked delicious! Many wonderful food experiences ‼️ ?Mary
Sent from Mary’s iPhone
We love following along…the food looks fabulous!
Loved seeing the food AND loved seeing your faces! Fancy video-selfie-while eating, Jason:) Nancy